Home > 10 Great Seconds, Television > 10 Great Seconds – Two Guys from Kabul

10 Great Seconds – Two Guys from Kabul

October 17, 2011

This 10 seconds is from somewhere around season 3 of the Simpsons. Also known as those good Conan O’Brien years, when he led the writing staff.

The setup: Bart and Lisa’s new worldly neighbor (voice by Sara Gilbert) is babysitting, and they order dinner from these guys. I don’t think they’ve ever appeared on the show again, and this is the only bit of the episode they appear in, so you’re seeing their entire existence. But I really want to write a series about them, I love these guys so much.

When I was putting together a lecture about writing characters, I remembered this little clip, even though I hadn’t seen it in, probably, 10 years. That’s gotta mean they’re good characters, right? Enjoy!